If you have been hurt by someone else’s negligence, don’t let the statute of limitations or gaps in treatment damage or destroy your claim and your health.

Contact us today for a free, no-risk consultation. We only get paid if we get you a recovery, and we only take cases where we really think we can help you do better with us than without us.

Click here to contact us through our website, or call us at 919-348-4361.

Insurance adjusters won’t tell you this, but you have only so much time to resolve your case.

In North Carolina, for most injury claims that don’t involve death, that’s three years.  But waiting to get treatment or to pursue your case can ruin your chances of getting the compensation you deserve.

Waiting to get the treatment you need can turn an acute injury into a chronic one that lasts a lifetime. If wait to get treatment, you may be violating your duty of “mitigation,” which is a legal requirement that you try to get better as quickly as you can.

Jurors are also suspicious of gaps in treatment because the defense lawyer is allowed to suggest you injured yourself in some other way, even if there is no evidence of that.

Waiting to contact an attorney also means that critical evidence may be lost, including photographs, eyewitness contact information, and the ability to do a scene inspection.

Lawyers also need time to evaluate a case.  If you wait until it’s too close to the statute of limitations for a lawyer to property evaluate your claim, you may not be able to find someone who can take the case.

Don’t take a chance on missing out on the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free evaluation.  Whether you’ve been bitten by a dog, hit as a pedestrian, run down by a big rig, or been hurt in a car accident, our lawyers have over 50 years of combined experience with all sorts of personal injury claims. Give us a chance to help. We’ve got your back.

Statute of Limitations Information 

How the Insurance Companies Work to Minimize Your Claim

Avoiding Fake Liens and Subrogation Claims