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We Are On Your Side

Fighting For Victims Of Sexual Harassment

At Miller Law Group, we believe that everyone deserves to work in an environment free from harassment and discrimination. We are dedicated to providing the support and guidance you need to navigate the legal process and seek the justice you rightfully deserve. Our attorneys have a deep understanding of the complexities surrounding sexual harassment cases, and we will work tirelessly to protect your rights and hold accountable those responsible for the harm you have endured.

We know that speaking up about your experiences can be difficult, but remember that you are not alone. You have the right to be heard, and we will ensure your voice is amplified. Our team will help you build a strong case, gather evidence, and advocate for your rights.

When you choose Miller Law Group, you choose a team that is dedicated to your well-being and committed to achieving the best possible outcome for your case. We will fight tirelessly on your behalf, seeking justice and working towards a workplace that is safe and free from harassment.

If you have experienced the distress of sexual harassment, we are here to listen, support, and guide you through this challenging time. Contact Miller Law Group today to speak with one of our compassionate attorneys and begin your journey toward justice and healing.

Contact Miller Law Group Today!

Woman being sexually harassed by male boss

What is Sexual Harassment?

Different Forms of Sexual Harassment

Unlawful sexual harassment can occur in various situations. It is important to address and recognize instances where an employer, supervisor, client, or co-worker engages in unwelcome sexual advances, requests sexual favors in return for employment benefits, or creates a hostile work environment through sexual misconduct. This can include making inappropriate jokes or comments, displaying sexual gestures or images, engaging in unwanted touching, or even committing assault.

It is crucial to understand and be aware of the different forms that sexual harassment can take, as well as the impact it can have on an individual’s work performance and overall employment status. By promoting a safe and respectful workplace environment, we can work towards preventing and addressing sexual harassment effectively.

When Does It Become A Hostile Work Environment?

Anyone Can Create a Sexually Hostile Work Environment

A sexually hostile work environment can be created in a variety of ways, often through repeated patterns of offensive behavior. This could involve suggestive comments, inappropriate jokes, or unsolicited discussions about sexual activities. Actions such as lewd gestures, sending explicit emails, or displaying explicit content can contribute to a hostile environment. Persistent, unwelcome flirtations or advances can also lead to an uncomfortable atmosphere.

It’s important to note that anyone can be the creator of a hostile work environment, including supervisors, colleagues, or even clients. The key element is that the conduct must be unwelcome and pervasive enough to interfere with an employee’s ability to perform their job effectively. Remember, every individual has the right to work in a safe, respectful environment free from sexual harassment.

Sexual Harassment is Illegal. Period.

You Have the Right to File a Complaint

Sexual Harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII applies to employers with 15 or more employees, as well as employment agencies, labor organizations, and the federal government.

North Carolina State Law also has provisions protecting employees from sexual harassment and demanding that all employees have the right to work in a setting free from sexual harassment and retaliation.

If you are experiencing sexual harassment, you have the right to ask for it to stop or file a complaint within your workplace, such as with Human Resources. However, if the harassment continues or you experience retaliation as a result of your complaint, you may have a federal claim.

Unlawful Retaliation After Sexual Harassment Claims

How North Carolina Law Protects Against Retaliation

Unlawful retaliation in the workplace, particularly following a complaint of sexual harassment, is strictly prohibited under law. Retaliation can manifest in various forms, including unjust termination, demotion, denial of promotion, or any other adverse employment action taken against an employee for reporting sexual harassment.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 specifically protects employees from retaliation for participating in a complaint process. It is crucial to understand that employers who do not uphold this responsibility, and allow or participate in retaliation, are in violation of the law and could face legal consequences.

Miller Law Group is a dedicated group of sexual harassment attorneys here to fight for the victims of sexual harassment and their rights in the workplace. The road to justice from harassment can seem isolated and frightening, but Miller Law Group’s committed team of attorneys will stand up for victims each step of the way. If you have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, you have rights and you have a voice. Miller Law Group is here to help you speak up.

Woman saying no to man's advance

How Can We Prevent These Situations?

Preventing Sexual Harassment In The Workplace

Preventing sexual harassment in the workplace requires concerted efforts from all parties involved. Employers should provide regular training sessions to educate employees about what constitutes sexual harassment and the severe repercussions for those involved in such activities. Creating and enforcing a comprehensive anti-harassment policy that clearly defines sexual harassment and provides a secure, anonymous process for reporting any incidents can also be effective.

Employees, on the other hand, have a responsibility to promote a respectful work environment by understanding and respecting the boundaries of their colleagues. It is also crucial that everyone stands up against any form of harassment they witness, ensuring a safe and inclusive workplace.

Ultimately, the law does not prevent sexual harassment from occurring, which is why having a dedicated sexual harassment lawyer on your side can make all the difference. At Miller Law Group, our experienced team of sexual harassment lawyers is ready to support and guide you through the legal process, ensuring your rights are protected and justice is served. Do not hesitate to reach out to us for a confidential consultation if you have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. Together, we can create safer and more respectful work environments for everyone.

Woman in blue shirt with a boss' hand on her shoulder

When to Seek a Sexual Harassment Attorney

Miller Law Group Is Here to Fight For You

If you are facing the distressing issue of sexual harassment in your workplace, Miller Law Group is here to stand up and fight for you. With a team of dedicated attorneys who have a proven record of representing victims of sexual harassment across the state, we are committed to seeking justice and ensuring that your rights are protected. You can trust in our expertise and experience to navigate the legal complexities and provide you with the support and advocacy you deserve. To learn more or discuss your claim with an Attorney, contact us.

A woman in a red dress suggestively leans into a man at work creating a potentially hazardous sexual harassment scenario.

Hear from a North Carolina personal injury law firm about their team’s commitment to their clients.

About Miller Law Group

Find Out How We Can Help You

At Miller Law Group, PLLC, we are committed to the noble principle of attaining justice for individuals who have faced adversity or injustice in their personal or professional lives. Our dedicated team of legal experts passionately advocate for the rights and well-being of our clients, striving to provide them with the support and representation they deserve. With a relentless pursuit of justice, we work tirelessly to right the wrongs and bring about positive change in the lives of those we serve. To learn more about our services or to schedule a free initial consultation, contact us today. We look forward to making you a part of our team.

Miller Law Group is based in Raleigh, North Carolina, dedicated to championing the rights and freedoms of individuals. Our firm comprises a team of highly skilled and experienced sexual harassment lawyers. We are driven by a commitment to justice and are passionate about representing clients who have been sexually harassed. With over 150 years of combined experience, our award-winning attorneys have a proven track record of tackling sexual harassment cases. Our firm is not just about work; we have a deep love for our community and invest time and resources in serving and uplifting Raleigh. At Miller Law Group, our aim is to provide exceptional service and to partner with our clients in navigating their legal journeys.