Not every car accident needs a lawyer. If you have only one trip to an urgent care or your family doctor after a wreck, it’s not likely that having a lawyer will significantly change the outcome of your case.

Oddly enough, a trip to the emergency room, instead of an urgent care, CAN sometimes mean that having a lawyer is helpful.

That’s because an ER will run far more tests, and be far more expensive, compared to an urgent care or a private doctor’s office.

The ER will likely add bills for other providers, including the ER doctors, radiology, and consulting doctors as well.

Whether to go to the ER is up to you.  However, since you’re likely to use your health insurance, and to need at least one follow-up visit, you may need a lawyer based on this one fact alone. You may have to fight your health insurance over reimbursement, AND you will have to deal with tactics that many insurance adjusters use to de-value your case.  They’re likely to claim you had little or no pain and suffering, and then try to reduce the amount of medical expense reimbursement based on their own calculations of what health insurance would have paid. These tactics sometimes are illegal.

At the Miller Law Group, we only want to help you if we think that you will do better with us than you would without us. Whether you case is worth $5,000 or $5,000,000, we only want to help if we’re really helping. That’s why we turn down more cases than we take: we want to be here for our clients, and provide the best results we can for them.

Even if we don’t take your case, we are happy to provide some information, included in our blog, which we call “RESOURCES.” We want this information to help you understand the process in today’s complicated legal environment.  We only give advice to our clients, but we try to provide basic information for everyone.

Contact us today at 919-348-4361 or by clicking here for a free consultation.

Handling Your Property Damage Claim

Statute of Limitations for Car Accidents

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