If you have been hurt in a car wreck or have another personal injury claim, you’re not alone. Luckily, however, most people never have a personal injury claim, so they don’t know how they work. The award-winning lawyers at the Miller Law Group, however, know all about car wrecks, injuries from falls, dog bites, motorcycle wrecks, pedestrian injuries, wrongful death claims, bicycle wrecks, and trucking collisions. Most of these claims have a lot in common.
We handle all of our personal injury cases on a contingency fee, which means you only owe a fee if we get you a recovery. The claim process starts when you contact our office. You may speak to one of our lawyers immediately about your case. However, unlike other firms, our lawyers spend time in court, handling depositions, conducting mediations, and otherwise pursuing our clients’ cases. Therefore, you may speak to one of our highly-experienced paralegals first, and then speak to an attorney later. Our staff includes over 30 years of combined paralegal and case management experience, plus a licensed North Carolina claims adjuster, who only works for our firm, and never for insurance companies. If we can help you, we’ll review the contract and other paperwork with you before you sign. We will not do ANYTHING without having your signature on a contract, telling us that you want us to proceed. If there is a part of your claim that you can handle without having to pay us, like handling a property damage claim after a car wreck or dealing with a rental car, we’ll answer your questions about those things, and then once that’s handled, we’ll instruct the insurance companies to leave you alone and deal with us. Then, you get whatever treatment you and YOUR DOCTORS decide you need. We are happy to answer your questions about potential providers to see, but we always leave treatment decisions up to you and your doctors.
Once you’re done with treatment, we’ll gather up your records and billing information, work with you to get your lost wage information and any other helpful information or evidence, and then we submit a demand package to the insurance company or companies. This process can take several weeks or even a couple of months depending on how long you have treatment and how many doctors you need to see. Once the negotiation process starts, we’ll update you once progress is made. If the insurance company won’t be reasonable, we’ll advise you to file suit and let us push the case towards trial. If settlement is a better option for your case, we’ll follow that route. Either way, YOU make the decisions about whether to settle the case or not, and you’ll know where all the money is coming from and going to. We’ll negotiate liens with your medical providers and with your own health insurance if necessary. We’ll also review your own insurance coverage and let you know if there are any benefits you’re entitled to which maybe your own company “forgot to mention.” We only want your case if we think we can help you do better with us than without us. Contact the award-winning personal injury lawyers at the Miller Law Group today for a free consultation. We’ve got your back.