Our Award-Winning Car Accident Lawyers Explain What the Insurance Companies Are Hiding From You Following A Car Accident
If you’re been hurt in a car accident, motorcycle wreck, or collision with a big truck, you probably have a lot of questions.
However, you can’t turn to the other driver’s insurance company for answers.
In North Carolina, the law gives the insurance companies BROAD protection. Insurance companies do NOT have to tell you:
- What your claim is really worth
- What kind of treatment you can get
- Whether you can recover loss of value on your car
- Whether you may be entitled to punitive damages
- What lawyers you can talk to for information
- When the time period is up for bringing a claim
That’s just a few of the items they can completely withhold from you. For example, even if they tell you how much time you have to complete your claim, they don’t have to do anything to encourage you to settle or file a lawsuit. They don’t and usually won’t tell you that if you don’t settle your case or file a lawsuit before the statute of limitations is up, you can NEVER come back, and any claim you had from a car accident is completely dead with no hope of going back.
Some other states put much more burden on the insurance industry, but North Carolina does NOT. Luckily, our lawyers know how the insurance companies think and what their tricks are.
We know their tactics, how they train their adjusters, and the tricks they have their lawyers pull to try and minimize or even destroy your claim.
Contact us today by calling us at 919-348-4361 or clicking here to use our website contact form, so you can set up a free, no-risk consultation. Let us use our experience to level the playing field for you. We’ve got your back.
What Information is the Insurance Company Hiding From You?
How Can I Protect My Credit Rating and My Claim at the Same Time?
Is the Other Insurance Company Telling me the Truth About My Health Insurance After a Car Accident?