If you’ve been hurt by a drunk driver, you may be able to recover compensation from bars or restaurants that helped them get drunk.

Under North Carolina General Statute 18B-305, it is specifically ILLEGAL to sell alcohol to a customer if the person selling the alcohol knew or SHOULD HAVE KNOWN that the customer was or appeared to be drunk.

In North Carolina, a blood alcohol concentration (you’ll see this often abbreviated as BAC) of 0.08 is considered intoxicated for purposes of a getting a ticket for drunk driving. Someone who’s this drunk may be slurring their speech some and have problems with coordination.

If someone has just one or two more beers or other drinks, they’re probably at 0.10 or more, and at this point, slurring will be evident, and they may start to smell of alcohol.

Someone who keeps drinking, again just another couple of drinks, can reach 0.14 or 0.15.  The body slows its processing of alcohol as more is put in the system, so the effects start to be more severe.

At a BAC of .15, a drunk is stumbling and having trouble speaking.  Someone watching them would know SOMETHING was wrong, even if they didn’t know they were drunk.

This statute was enacted because drunk drivers are a danger to everyone on the highway, causing thousands of fatalities and millions of dollars’ worth of medical bills each year for their victims. If a business helps encourage that drinking, the law says they should be liable.

If you or a loved one have been hurt by a drunk driver, contact the top-rated personal injury lawyers of the Miller Law Group.  We’ve been handling cases for victims of drunk driving for more than 50 combined years of practice, and we know how investigate the case and get you the recovery you deserve. Because security video, witnesses, and receipts can disappear quickly, it’s important to call us as soon you can so we can start collecting the evidence to protect you and your claim.

Contact us by clicking here or call 919-348-4361 for a free consultation.

Holding Drunk Drivers Accountable

Avoiding Subrogation Fraud Against Your Personal Injury Recovery

Punitive Damages