I Was Hurt in a Car Accident with a Big Rig. Should I Call the Miller Law Group?

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Yes, you should call us at 919-348-4361 or click here for our website contact form.

Our Personal Injury Team has over 50 years of combined experience with car accident and truck accident claims. We’ve handled some of the biggest claims in the state against these companies.

From the moment a trucking collision happens, the driver, trucking company, and insurance companies are all working against you.

Evidence is disappearing at the scene, or being manufactured or altered by the driver.  The “Safety Director” is calling and giving the truck driver tips on what to say to the investigating officer, what to do with log books and trip tickets, and how to handle (and possibly mishandle) critical crash data from the truck’s electronic control module (the “black box.”)

Our lawyers want to help. If you’re hurt, see the doctors you need in order to get treatment, but contact us to let us evaluate the claim and handle the legal side. The more severe your injuries, the more you’re likely to need experts like engineers and trucking professionals to win.  We know who to hire and how to use them in your case.

Don’t let the trucking industry and their insurance company destroy your claim: contact the North Carolina trial lawyers who know how to fight back. The consultation with us is free, and we’ll only take the case if we think we can help you do better with us than without us.

Trucking Collisions Are on the Rise

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Protect Your Credit Rating While Recovering From an Accident