If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, you’ve got a lot on your plate.  Resolving property damage, getting medical treatment, dealing with the adjusters, trying to balance work with treatment. It’s a lot.

However, if you are separated or divorced, if there is a child support decree in place, then you are not excused from making your child support payments, even if you income is decreased or diverted due to your injuries.

Additionally, if you are already behind on child support, then a lien will be placed on your recovery, and it’s critical to make sure it’s paid, or you could be held in contempt.

Automobile insurance companies check child support databases across the country to see if you have an obligation they need to know about. If so, you’ll have to deal with it as part of your personal injury claim.

If you’d like to investigate modifying a child support order, or if you have questions about your personal injury claim, or both, contact us today by clicking here, or by calling 919-348-4361.


Child Support

Personal Injury Claim Information Series