If you’ve been hurt in a car accident, trucking collision, or hurt as a pedestrian, you should let your doctors determine what treatment you need.

Even if you had to go to the ER by ambulance after the wreck and you were given a referral, you can still ALSO contact your primary care doctor and let them help you determine what treatment you need, if any.

Not everyone is hurt in a car accident, and not everyone needs treatment.

If you think you need treatment, get it. But don’t go to the doctor just to create a claim.

Insurance adjusters will try to direct your treatment. Don’t buy it: they’re trying to de-rail your claim. Other lawyers may try to send you to specific doctors: don’t do that either, unless you just don’t know where else to go for treatment.

Our firm only takes cases where we think people are better off with us than without us. We NEVER tell clients to get treatment that they and THEIR DOCTORS think is unnecessary. We’re here to handle your legal claim. You and your doctors need to work on your physical health. If you want a free, honest, no-risk evaluation of your claim, contact us by clicking here or call us at 919-348-4361.

Adjusters Try to Minimize Your Claim

Handling Your Own Property Damage

Statute of Limitations for North Carolina