If you’ve been injured in a collision with an 18-wheeler or other large commercial truck, you’re not alone.

Every year, thousands of people on America’s highways are injured or killed by the negligence of truck drivers and their companies.

Many of those injuries and deaths happen right here in North Carolina.

The trucking industry is like the insurance industry on steroids: they have adjusters trained to minimize your claim and try to get you to settle without all the facts. Truck drivers are required by their employers to start gathering, and in many cases to start manipulating, evidence at a collision scene.

Most truckers have an “emergency kit.” Unlike the first aid supplies and road flares that you carry, their kit has more: a camera to start documenting the scene in a way that makes it look like they weren’t at fault; a notebook to get witness statements and contact information in a way that looks official, so witnesses leave before the police arrive to actually interview them, and other items to start working against you from the moment of impact.

Trucking companies know their drivers are protected by their huge vehicles, so they’re far less likely to be hurt in a collision than you are. They train their drivers to contact the employer’s safety directors and investigators as soon as a wreck happens.  While you’re dealing with a broken bone or bleeding from a head wound, the company is already working to protect itself at your expense.

Our lawyers have over 50 years of combined experience in handling injuries from trucking collisions, from relatively minor injuries all the way to catastrophic collisions with massive injuries.  We know how to evaluate the information produced by the trucking companies in litigation to determine if something’s been altered or destroyed, and we have the outside experts to use if we need to fight all the way to trial.

Contact us today for a free consultation by calling 919-348-4361 or clicking here.


More Information on Trucking Collisions

Black Box Data and Trucks

Liens and Subrogation Interests the Trucking Company Won’t Warn You About