The Miller Law Group is not a volume practice. We prefer to maintain a smaller caseload so we can give our clients individual attention.

The truth is, we actually turn down more cases than we take on. That’s because we only want to help if we think we can make a real difference in the outcome of your case.

We take extra steps that other firms leave out. We investigate, research, and work more than others will because we know you case isn’t just a number.

Using focus groups is a big part of our strategy.  Contact us to see how we can put this cutting-edge strategy to work for you, by clicking here or calling us at 919-348-4361 to arrange a free, no-risk consultation.

To prepare a focus group, we use the same resources the county clerks use to summon a jury pool. Once we have that group together, usually ten to twelve people, we discuss a case with them anonymously.

The focus group is treated just like a jury, and we give them the same (or sometimes less) information than we’d give to a jury. We let them talk about what concerns them and how they look at the evidence.

That gives us an excellent resource to prepare and value your claim. When we walk into the courtroom, our focus groups have already told us what is most likely to interest the jury, and that’s where we concentrate.

Contact us today to learn more about how we give your case an edge. With over 50 years of combined experience and more than 100 jury trials between them, our personal injury team has the knowledge and tactics to get you the justice and compensation you deserve.

More About Focus Groups

Using Experts For Your Case

Some Prior Case Results