Georgia False Claims Act

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A whistleblower in Georgia can rely of two different False Claims Acts to report fraud.  The Taxpayer Protection False Claims Act and the Georgia False Medicaid Claims Act prohibit false claims for payment to the government.

Taxpayer Protection False Claims Act

Georgia broadened the scope of it’s False Claims Act in 2012 when it enacted the Taxpayer Protection False Claims Act which included provisions beyond Medicaid. Under the Act any person, corporation or other legal entity that knowingly submits a false or fraudulent claim or knowingly and improperly avoids an obligation to the state or local government can be found civilly liable.

To read the Georgia Taxpayer Protection False Claims Act click here.

Georgia False Medicaid Claims Act

The Georgia False Medicaid Claims Act imposes civil liability on any person who knowingly presents or causes to be presented to the Georgia Medicaid program a false or fraudulent claim for payment or approval.

Under both acts a whistleblower who brings a successful action under either act may recover between 15 and 25 percent of any proceeds from the action if the Georgia Attorney General adopts the case, or between 25 and 30 percent of any proceeds if the whistleblower pursues the case on their own.

Both acts prohibit retaliation against a whistleblower by their employer.

If you are aware of fraud that is being committed against the government in Georgia and would like to speak with an attorney for a free consultation, contact us here or by calling (919) 348-4361.

To read the Georgia False Medicaid Claims Act click here.