October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Approximately three out of four Americans personally know someone who has been a victim of domestic violence.  This month is a great time to take a stand and support those around you who have felt the impacts of domestic violence.

2019-10-01T21:02:12+00:00October 1st, 2019|

How Do I Get Emergency Child Custody?

In North Carolina, an emergency custody order is an instant, temporary custody order that a judge can grant under emergency circumstances, without any action from the other party and without notice being given to the other party. Read more to find out how to get started!

2019-08-29T22:12:13+00:00August 29th, 2019|

Which Parent Gets To Choose Where The Child Goes To School?

The beginning of the school year is a time when lots of parents have to decide where their child should be enrolled in school.  Divorced parents often wonder who gets to choose which school their children will go to, what rights they have in regard to school issues, and more. 

2019-08-26T20:01:37+00:00August 26th, 2019|

Legitimation: What is it and what does it establish?

Often times, a child is born to parents who aren’t married.  While having children without being married once carried a negative stigma, it has become more common and socially accepted.  Although society is catching up, the law has yet to do the same.

2019-08-17T14:37:41+00:00August 17th, 2019|
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