A drunk driver didn’t just suddenly become drunk: they had to get the alcohol somewhere.
Under North Carolina law, it is illegal for a bar or restaurant to serve alcohol to anyone, regardless of their age, if that person is intoxicated, and the staff knew or should have known it.
According to the American Addiction Centers, someone at a .10 blood alcohol concentration (BAC) will already be slurring their speech and will have trouble with basic coordination.
Remember that a BAC of .08 is considered legally too drunk to drive. Someone at a .08 is already having trouble focusing, and even standing, much less driving. The difference in a .08 and .10 is typically less than one more beer, glass of wine, or cocktail.
Bars and restaurants are required by law to monitor their customers’ drinking, because of the extreme dangers of drinking and driving. With more than one person dying EVERY 45 minutes in the U.S. from drunk driving accidents, and costs to the public of over 120 BILLION DOLLARS in a single year, drunk driving remains a terrible epidemic in our country.
Our lawyers know how to look for drunk drivers and determine who is at fault. We look behind the scenes to see whether the person was at a bar or restaurant, and whether that business needs to share some responsibility for the injuries they helped cause.
If you or a loved one have been hurt by a drunk driver, contact us today by calling us at 984-400-8899 or clicking here to contact us through our website.
Holding Bars Responsible For Drunk Driving Injuries and Deaths