Protecting Your Rights After A Motor Vehicle Accident

Following an accident, you are required to report the accident to your insurance company. After reporting the accident, you will be contacted by an insurance adjuster representing the other driver’s insurance company. It is important to remember that the job of an insurance adjuster is to settle your claim for as little money as possible.

When discussing your accident with the insurance adjuster be very careful about what you say. Any statement made that could be construed as contributory negligence could result in denial of your claim or a significant reduction in your compensation.

Here are some tips for talking with the adjuster:

  • First and foremost, contact an attorney. Discussing your accident with an attorney before talking with an insurance adjuster is critically important. An attorney will be able to explain your rights and advise you of the best way to proceed.
  • Stay calm and be respectful. We know that remaining calm and being respectful can be extremely difficult following an accident, but it will pay off.
  • Stick to the basic facts. Limit the information you provide the adjuster to the who, when and where.
  • Answer truthfully. Answer the questions be asked by the adjuster truthfully, but do not go into great detail and do not volunteer information.
  • Provide information about your medical condition. Give the adjuster information about how you are feeling, any pain you are experiencing, or any problems you have encountered following the accident.
  • Politely decline questions if you feel the adjuster is fishing for unnecessary information. lt is absolutely ok to state that you wish not to answer a question if you get the feeling that the adjuster is asking unnecessary questions or trying to fish for information.
  • Do not agree to a recorded statement. Insurance adjusters will likely ask you questions to attempt to poke holes in the statement you are making. Unfortunately, this can hurt truthful, honest individuals.

Miller Law Group has handled thousands of motor vehicle accidents cases throughout North Carolina. If you or someone in your family has been injured in a car accident because of someone else’s negligence, contact our office for a free consultation.