Hurt by a Drunk Driver? Top-Rated Car Accident Lawyers Are Here to Help

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If you’ve been hurt by a drunk driver, contact us today for a free, no-risk evaluation of your case.  You can use our website by clicking here, or call us at 919-348-4361.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, over one hundred and ten MILLION people in the U.S. drive drunk EVERY YEAR.

It’s important to remember that those are the ones who are caught or who admit to it. The real number is likely much, much higher.

With a population of around 300 million in the U.S., that number also, critically, means that the people who drive drunk are doing it OVER and OVER and OVER.

That’s because the criminal justice system can only go so far in stopping this problem.  Very few people learn about it when a drunk driver gets caught or goes to jail. Less than ONE PERCENT of drunk drivers are caught.

Our lawyers are filing lawsuits against drunk drivers every month. That’s because we’re committed to using our resources and experience to get you the best rest we can for your personal injury claim. It’s also because we encourage our clients to use these claims to make their communities safer.

A large settlement or jury verdict can be anonymously reported so that no one knows you were involved, but they know that a drunk driver was held accountable for their injuries.  Contact us today for more information. 

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