Experienced Whistleblower Lawyers

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Experienced Top Rated whistleblower lawyers fight to protect whistleblowers’ rights and secure just compensation.  Miller Law Group has experience representing whistleblowers in a variety of business sectors.  When representing whistleblowers, experience matters.

We believe in protecting a whistleblower’s anonymity if at all possibly.  For example, under the False Claims Act whistleblowers file claims under seal – meaning in secret.  This clams are called  “qui tam” complaints.

The seal period allows the government to investigate the claim and decide whether to intervene in the case. If the government intervenes in the case, the whistleblower is entitled to received up to 25 percent of any recovery.

The False Claims Act is designed to encourage whistleblowers to report fraud against government programs.  The most common cases under the False Claims Act are cases involving: Medicare Fraud, Medicaid Fraud, Government Contract Fraud, and Research Grant Fraud.

Miller Law Group has successfully represented whistleblowers in many cases involving the False Claims Act.  To protect your rights, it is important to speak with an experience whistleblower lawyer prior to reporting the fraud.

For a free consultation, contact Miller Law Group or call 919-348-4361.

Medicare and Medicaid Fraud Whistleblowers

Whistleblower Lawyer – The Supreme Court Discusses Materiality