TAF Coalition And Fraud By The Numbers 2023 Project
Earlier this week, the TAF Coalition launched its Fraud by the Numbers 2023 project, a series of posts aimed at illuminating the scale of fraud — and the courage of those who speak up against it. Miller Law Group attorney MaryAnne Hamilton is contributing two posts to the series. The first, launched on September 4, maps the rising trend of employees reporting corporate misconduct. Despite retaliation risks, a Harvard study finds, workers continue to come forward to stop fraud, waste, and abuse of government resources. To read more about this rising trend, click the article link Good News! Trend Shows Employees Are Likely to Report Corporate Misconduct to learn more!
The TAF Coalition is a nonprofit organization dedicated to defending and empowering whistleblowers who expose fraud in the government and financial markets.
Watch this space for more information about the second post, scheduled for September 28.