Normally, when you file for workers’ compensation, you do so knowing that you cannot take your employer to court. In exchange for not going to court, workers’ compensation provides you with benefits like compensation for lost wages and medical payments. Most employees have workers’ compensation coverage automatically, which means your employer is unable to be sued. That doesn’t mean you can’t file a civil lawsuit against someone, though, if a third-party caused your injuries.

For example, if you’re working on a building and a contractor fails to put together the scaffolding correctly, then you may be able to seek compensation from the contractor as well as workers’ compensation from your employer.

Workers’ compensation covers most injuries and illnesses that occur on the job. Some of the injuries and illnesses covered by workers’ compensation include lung cancers caused by exposure to toxins, stress-related injuries from work-related incidents, mental health concerns as a result of work, injuries caused during lunch hours, breaks or work-sponsored activities, injuries that take place at company facilities, preexisting conditions that are worsened by the job or aggravated by the job and some others.

It’s important to note that if you are off the premises for a personal errand, you may not be covered by workers’ compensation if you suffer an injury.

If you have questions about your workers’ compensation claim or have had a claim denied, your attorney may be able to help. Our website has more about workers’ compensation and the steps you can take to get the money and benefits you deserve after an injury.