It’s important to understand legal deadlines that arise when you are involved in a car accident and are injured. After an accident life can be a whirlwind and time can pass quickly so understanding the statute of limitations set by North Carolina in personal injury cases is essential.

Statute of Limitations are laws that set time limits on how long you have to file a civil lawsuit, such as a personal injury lawsuit. These time limits are set out in state law and usually depend on the legal claim or crime involved in the case; they also vary from state to state.

North Carolina General Statute § 1-52(16) requires that personal injury lawsuits be brought within three years of the action happening.

The three-year time limit begins to run on the date your claim arises. In a personal injury case involving a car accident, the claim would arise on the day of the accident. Once the statute of limitations has expired or “run “you will no longer be able to file a lawsuit on that claim.