District of Columbia False Claims Act

The District of Columbia False Claims Act mirrors the Federal False Claims Act. The Act prohibits a person or company from knowingly making false or fraudulent claims for payment to the District. The Act also prohibits misappropriation of District property.
A Whistleblower may receive an award of up to 25% of any recovery, if the District of Columbia Attorney General intervenes. If the Attorney General chooses not to intervene, the whistleblower’s may receive up to 30% of any recovery.
The D.C. Act imposed fines on the wrongdoer from $5,500.00 to $11,000.00 per violation, and trebles damages for the actual harm.
The DC False Claim Act, also imposes liability for accidental or mistaken false claim submissions that are not reported and refunded to the District upon discovery of the mistake claim.
Retaliation by an employer against a whistleblower is prohibited by the District of Columbia False Claims Act. The Act allows for restatement of employment, two times the amount of back pay, and compensation for and damages resulting from the retaliation. The types of retaliation that are prohibited under the Act are: firing, demotions, loss of pay, harassing, suspensions, or threats against the whistleblower.
If you are aware of fraud that is being committed against the government in the District of Columbia and would like to speak with an attorney for a free consultation, contact us here or by calling (919) 348-4361.
To view the full District of Columbia False Claims Act click here.