If you’re hurt because a truck driver is too tired or not paying attention to the road, you deserve to file a lawsuit and claim for compensation. It’s only fair that you are compensated for the other party’s negligence and the pain and suffering you’ve been put through.
Holding trucking companies liable is important in these cases, because they are the ones allowing drivers to get away with poor behaviors.
A driver of a commercial vehicle designed to carry passengers has to follow strict regulations to make sure no one gets hurt. For instance, did you know that no carrier can allow a driver to work for more than 10 hours after eight hours off duty? If that driver has been on duty for 15 hours after only eight hours off, he is not allowed to carry passengers in his or her vehicle.
Drivers may also not be on duty more than 70 hours during eight consecutive days. If a company doesn’t operate every day, then the driver is limited to 60 hours during a consecutive time period of seven days. If the driver has been behind the wheel longer, then anyone who is hurt may have a case against the driver and his company for violating the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s regulations.
Our website has more information about trucking regulations and what to do if you think your accident was caused by a person who broke the law. You may be able to seek compensation not only from the driver, but also his or her employer for the negligence shown to you.